Recently, the Australian Jewish Democratic Society (AJDS) was condemned by the JCCV in a motion moved by the State Zionist Council of Victoria. The motion ‘deplores and condemns the [Don’t Buy from the Settlements Campaign] policy on the basis that it is repugnant.
The proposal by the Coalition as reported in the media to block funding to individual academics and institutions who support or propose Boycott Divestment or Sanctions (BDS) is a draconian attack on academic freedom and independence.
Last year the Australian Jewish Democratic Society (AJDS) hosted Micha Kurz the co-founder of Grassroots Jerusalem on a national speaking tour. This year we are asking for your support to keep alive and strengthen the Grassroots Jerusalem project.
The AJDS would love to invite you to our next Israel-Palestine discussion group meeting with our guest – Vivienne Porzsolt, long-time activist with Jews Against the Occupation in Sydney. For three months last year, Vivienne spent time in the…
This letter was written by Harold Zwier, a former member of the AJDS executive, and published in the Australian Jewish News on May 16. It does not necessarily represent the views of the executive.
Robin Rothfield wrote the letter below letter to Nina Bassat of the JCCV concerning attempts to expel it from the Jewish Community Council of Victoria and it is shared with his permission.
The Australian Jewish Democratic Society (AJDS) commends the Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, and Governor-General Quentin Bryce for awarding an honorary citizenship to Raoul Wallenberg.
In March – timed to coincide with Pesach – AJDS launched a new campaign entitled “Don’t Buy Settlement Products”. The related website and Facebook page provide information about why settlements located in the West Bank and Golan Heights are harmful for Palestinians and Israelis.
Gideon Levy made a far-ranging presentation at Wits University in South Africa on 18 April. It is a long presentation (1 hr, 45 mins), which includes remarks from the floor, but at almost every point in the talk, something interesting is said.
גדעון לוי מדבר על הצורך בהתנגדות מהכיבוש.העולם לא יסכים ל4 מיליון פלסטינים חיים ללא זכויות וישראלים צריכים להבין את זה (לחץ על תמונה)