Gideon Levy, Haaretz. Audio file of talk at Wits University

Gideon Levy made a far-ranging presentation at Wits University in South Africa on 18 April.
It is a long presentation (1 hr, 45 mins), which includes remarks from the floor, but at almost every point in the talk, something interesting is said.
You may wish to download it to your Ipod or related device for listening while on the train/tram/automobile, or while washing up. The sound quality was affected by the air-conditioning, but please persevere. He deals with depressing internal political environment, BDS, Palestinian leadership, and almost everything else under the sun, from a critical Israeli perspective. Thanks to Ran Greenstein for the invitation to attend.
Mp3 First Part. Right click to download and save.
Mp3 Second Part. Right click to download and save.