By Fahad Ali, medical student and president of the Students for Palestine Society at the University of Sydney. Article here. “All I know of my country is through song and story, through books, faded…
By Yael W. On Antisemitism is a timely collection of writings given the current increase in popularity and organisation of the Right and far Right. The work is relevant not only given the overt antisemitism…
Written by Robert Börjesson, translated by Yael W. Originally published here. They survived the concentration camps- now Nazis are demonstrating outside their synagogue. Nordic Resistance movement- Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen (NMR) This Nazi organisation NMR was given permission…
By Jonah Boyarin Originally published on August 17, 2017, and reproduced with permission. Jewish Fear Jewish fear is American Neo-Nazis chanting “Blood and Soil” on American soil. Jewish fear is that buzzing feeling in…
By Ann Elizabeth Fink In Israel, the son of the Prime Minister of the Jewish State, Yair Netanyahu, posts an image on his Facebook page that is laden with antisemitic imagery. He draws an equivalence between…
By Tallie Ben Daniel Chapter from On Antisemitism: Solidarity and the Struggle for Justice, Jewish Voice for Peace, Haymarket 2017, 71-80 and footnotes. Reproduced with permission. You can purchse your copy here. As a…
Can you start by telling us how it was that Jews against fascism was formed? In April 2015 Melbourne saw the largest street mobilisation of the far right for decades when Reclaim Australia held their…
By Tony Klug This paper was delivered at the Pears International Conference on Zionism and Antisemitism, Birkbeck, University of London, 25 May 2017. Also available to be listened to online here. In this talk, I…
– Jews and revolutionary JewsFrom the Facebook group ‘juives et juifs révolutionnaires’ 1) If you think the words “Israel”, “Zionists” and “Jews” are interchangeable; you may be antisemitic. 2) If you think that a Jewish conspiracy…
By Robin Rothfield A few months ago the Jewish Left remembered the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War and the occupation which followed this war. On the occupation the Left was united in its condemnation…