Antisemitism and criticism of Israel

Watch the video June 22nd,  7:00-9:00PM For close to a year we at AJDS have been working with Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN) on a joint statement on antisemitism and the criticism of Israel. It’s been an…

radical online seder

Tilt your webcams to the left and leave a Zoom link out for Eliyahu Hanavi: Here, Queer, and Jewish Australia, Sydney Left Jews, Australian Jewish Democratic Society (AJDS), Fully Automated Luxury Kosher Space Kibbutz and…

Purim Party

Follow the facebook event for details on artists and performances  Still here. Still resisting. Come Party!!! Hosted by AJDS, Jews Against Fascism, Here Queer and Jewish and fully automated luxury kosher space kibbutz , we’re…

Gaza freedom flotilla

Ship to Gaza info night Since 2008 activists around the world have been sailing to Gaza to break through the Israeli siege and pressure governments to take action. Under a global coalition- Freedom Flotilla Coalition-…

Gaza freedom flotilla

Ship to Gaza info night Since 2008 activists around the world have been sailing to Gaza to break through the Israeli siege and pressure governments to take action. Under a global coalition- Freedom Flotilla Coalition-…

Trump’s so-called peace plan

A smokescreen for Israel’s territorial annexation ambitions The Plan unveiled by President Trump on the 28 January 2020 is anything but what it purports to be. It gives Israel just about everything that Netanyahu and…

JNF study tour

On Dec 24th, 2019,  AJDS sent the following letter to schools participating in the JNF Australia educators study tour to Israel.Details of the tour and participating institutions can be found here.  To whom it may…