Ann Fink, an Australian-Israeli dual national resident in Israeli and supporter of the AJDS had the opinion below published on Jwire in response to an attempt to brand AJDS as being outside the pale in an opinion.
Author: AJDS
This article by Antony Lerman appeared in the Guardian a number of years ago now, but it well explains the current right-wing takeover of Zionist politics in Australia and the take-no-prisoners attitude to dissenters.
There is controversy about the AJDS-supported campaign for people to not buy products from the settlements. In response to an article on Galusaustralis, Harold Zwier made this comment, which is worth quoting in its entirety.
We’re very excited to invite you to a special AJDS event: The AJDS is this year re-focusing our efforts on Jewish-Indigenous solidarity. To this end we’ve started an Indigenous solidarity group within the AJDS to…
The AJDS executive has decided to place on the public record the following correspondence between the AJDS and the JCCV on the topic of our letter to Bob Carr.
The real dispute is not between the one-staters and the two-staters, but between those who hold that the collective right of a settler people to self-determination trumps the human and civil rights of the indigenous natives, and those who do not.
A personal opinion from Larry Stillman. AJDS has been accused of many things over the years, including being a supporter of terror or anti-Israel ‘fundamentalism’.
Harold Zwier, former member of the AJDS Executive and AJDS delegate to the Jewish Community Council of Victoria, made the statement below at the JCCV Plenum meeting on 4 March 2013. The AJDS Executive stands wholly behind it. It is published here in the public interest.
AJDS is pleased to run this information from Rabbi Yehiel Grenimann of Rabbis for Human Rights: YESTERDAY (Thursday, 20th February) Zakaria and I went to visit the village of Kusra on the way up to…
Dr Larry Stillman interviewed on 21 Feb 2013 about Geert Wilders, the QSociety, their obsession with halal food, and the right to free speech on the public radio network program The Wire. (from about 1′.50″…