Criticism and critical (‘higher criticism’) scholarship about religion and religious texts is par for the course, and expected in an educated, liberal, and secular society.
[The attached image is taken from the Australian Islamist Monitor Website just to provide some ‘flavour’and it is obviously not endorsed my me or AJDS]
A campaign to bar a Muslim prayer group from using an East St Kilda Community House for one hour a week is being driven by extremists with an anti-Muslim agenda. The public controversy was manufactured by a group calling themselves the Q Society. The Q Society identified a need for a planning amendment to the Community House that would affect all groups that use the space.
A campaign to bar a Muslim prayer group from using an East St Kilda Community House for one hour a week is being driven by extremists with an anti-Muslim agenda. The public controversy was manufactured by a group calling themselves the Q Society. The Q Society identified a need for a planning amendment to the Community House that would affect all groups that use the space.
This is all very local politics, but another test for diversity and freedom of peaceful association.
There is a planning application to increase the size of meetings so that a Muslim prayer group can meet for a couple of hours a week in St Kilda, Victoria at a community centre.
Opposition is being led by a group not from St Kilda. They are strong anti-Muslims, making all sorts of outrageous accusations.
Fortunately, responsible Jewish organisations have denounced the campaign, as outlined here and here.
The lead person in the anti-Community House campaign (Vickie Janson) was the number 1 candidate for the right wing Christian Democratic Party in the last Victorian elections, and she has also been a Senate candidate. The party is led by the Rev. Fred Nile, a well-known partisan preacher of intolerance in New South Wales. While the QSociety (the anti-Muslim group) claims to be speaking in support of Judeo-Christian values, the CDP makes it quite clear that Australia is a Christian, not any other nation.
Sign the petition in support of freedom of religion and in support of tolerance.
Everyone has an opinion, and there was a recent event at the Wheeler Centre for Books, Writing and Ideas at the State Library of Victoria. You can watch the video/podcast via this link.
Of course, all view expressed are those of the individuals who participated, including Dr Sally Totman, Dr Larry Stillman and Professor Fethi Mansouri, two specialists on the Arab Middle East, and one with expertise in social media and knowledge of Israel.
This time, Antony Loewenstein has had an unfair go at the NZ Prime Minister John Key in his blog, labeling him as Jewish and then being critical of his views on the Middle East.
This time, Antony Loewenstein has had an unfair go at the NZ Prime Minister John Key in his blog, labeling him as Jewish and then being critical of his views on the Middle East.
The Palestine Papers, as revealed by Al-Jazeerah and the Guardian, are explosive evidence about the state of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, leaning over backwards to break a deal—a deal that never went ahead and has even less chance of doing so with Netanyahu still in power.
For the full article, go to Galus Australis
The Palestine Papers, as revealed by Al-Jazeerah and the Guardian, are explosive evidence about the state of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, leaning over backwards to break a deal—a deal that never went ahead and has even less chance of doing so with Netanyahu still in power.
For the full article, go to Galus Australis
A good source of Israeli left opinion can be found at
+972 Magazine, with about a dozen writers and many links.