Last year the Australian Jewish Democratic Society (AJDS) hosted Micha Kurz the co-founder of Grassroots Jerusalem on a national speaking tour. This year we are asking for your support to keep alive and strengthen the Grassroots Jerusalem project.
What is Grassroots Jerusalem?
Grassroots Jerusalem is a Palestinian-based platform for social, urban and human rights activists and organizations in Al-Quds (Jerusalem). They amplify local resources available for and from grassroots activists, leaders and organizations by developing a (virtual and real) environment for meeting, sharing information, educating, growing and coordinating on shared issues of urgent and long-term concern.
Their goal is:
● To develop a culture of justice and human rights in Jerusalem, to raise the local (community level) standard of knowledge, and understanding of human rights as “rights” – not privileges, and to demand them constructively.
● To develop the capacity within local Palestinian communities through community based organizations (CBO’s), to vision, plan, benchmark and execute urban development where it has been oppressed for decades.
● To revive the largest Palestinian metropolitan city by reconnecting divided and disempowered communities of the Al Quds district through community based urban development, reconnection of Palestinian diaspora to its capital and international advocacy for policy change in the region.
Their team includes 10 activists. Their network includes over 30 community organizations and 1,000+ local and international supporters, who are creating a local and global grassroots network.
The AJDS – Grassroots Jerusalem fundraising project:
The AJDS is supporting Grassroots Jerusalem (GJ) to raise awareness about the human rights violations committed in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt) and to further the local development of community-based advocacy.
Our project is designed to apply your financial contribution directly to each stage of the community development process and to include you in developing the Grassroots Jerusalem global network.
Our project is specifically aimed at supporting two communities in Jerusalem:
Al-Walajeh and Al- Jahalin. Please click through to find out more information on these communities.
We are aiming to raise $5500 to support Grassroots Jerusalem to empower local organisations and activists in these communities.
To donate please send a cheque to:
Australian Jewish Democratic Society
PO Box 450
Elsternwick VIC 3185
or you can make a direct deposit to:
Account name: Australian Jewish Democratic Society
BSB: 063 130
Account number: 1006 2237
With your name and “GJ” in the description.
Please email us at [email protected] to let us know you’ve donated. Unfortunately donations will not be tax-deductible but please let us know if you’d like a receipt.
DONATE NOW – AJDS Grassroots Jerusalem Fundraising project