A very interesting viewpoint in the Economist.

This is very reminiscent of the situation in Australia. “The prevailing political sentiment in Jewry today is of aggressive defensiveness, a curious amalgam of victimhood and intolerance. Dissent about Israel is discouraged and often gagged…

Limmud Oz–an opinion from Harold Zwier

The Australian Jewish Democratic Society recently criticized the decision by the Limmud Oz committee to decline a proposed session at the Limmud Oz 2012 Festival of Jewish Learning and Culture. The session was entitled “Beyond…

LimmudX: Video of public forum 10 June 2012

Watch the video of the public forum with some of the contributors to the recently published book: Beyond Tribal Loyalties: Personal Stories of Jewish Peace Activists : Sivan Barak, Peter Slezak, Vivienne Porzsolt, Nicole Erlich,…