Harold Zwier, an AJDS Executive member, had this letter in The Australian 21/9/2011
NOW that Tony Abbott has put a welcome nail into the coffin of the Malaysia Solution, it’s time for Julia Gillard to address the nation. She should tell us that she failed in her bid to pander to the populism of using asylum-seekers as political weapons, rather than helping people in need.
She should confirm that she has no option but to embrace the hardest of political options: to accept that asylum-seekers who arrive here should be processed here. And she should sell the benefit of that option to all Australians. Our history amply supports the argument.
The Labor government has nothing to lose. It won’t lose one vote from being pushed into doing the right thing. And it will discomfort the opposition. It would benefit genuine refugees, our self-esteem and our reputation in the world.
Denis Altman in The Age has an excellent analysis of the local politics that inhibit recognition of the Palestinian states and as well, why it is in Israel’s best interests to recognise such a state.
Recently, the AJDS issued a statement about some BDS protests that we believe work against justice for Palestinians. The statement evoked a strong reaction and has been misinterpreted by some. It was our intention that the statement clearly articulate the concerns we have with some BDS protests, as a contribution to the overall debate about the Israeli Palestinian conflict. While our concerns with the BDS protests has not altered, we acknowledge from the feedback, that aspects of our statement needed changes.
A discussion ensued within the AJDS executive on those changes and it was decided that in addition to publishing the revised statement on our website, we would also include some of the arguments that contributed to the final version of the statement.
I’ve come to realize that there are strong divisions within the Palestinian ‘camp’ over the validity of the bid for recognition of the State of Palestine by the UN.
One of the key problems is the internal struggle over ‘who speaks for Palestinians’ and the disputed claim that the PLO is the ‘authentic voice’ of the Palestinian people. Since there has been no election process for all Palestinians or descendants of Palestinians (and the complexity that such a descent claim entails) this problem appears to be irresolvable unless in fact there is an election process set in place for the new state.
I’ve come to realize that there are strong divisions within the Palestinian ‘camp’ over the validity of the bid for recognition of the State of Palestine by the UN.
One of the key problems is the internal struggle over ‘who speaks for Palestinians’ and the disputed claim that the PLO is the ‘authentic voice’ of the Palestinian people. Since there has been no election process for all Palestinians or descendants of Palestinians (and the complexity that such a descent claim entails) this problem appears to be irresolvable unless in fact there is an election process set in place for the new state.
Jstreet has an ongoing campaign in support of a two state solution. Strangely, it seems little known in Australia. What is very important is that it has the backing of the cream of the Israeli establishment including many with military and intelligence experience.
While the positions that Jstreet takes are often regarded as too compromising, its general sentiments should be lauded.
Jstreet has an ongoing campaign in support of a two state solution. Strangely, it seems little known in Australia. What is very important is that it has the backing of the cream of the Israeli establishment including many with military and intelligence experience.
While the positions that Jstreet takes are often regarded as too compromising, its general sentiments should be lauded.
Update: 15 August. This statement (in an edited form) appeared as an op-ed in The Age, and was syndicated nationally online.
The Australian Jewish Democratic Society urges the Australian government, which already accepts the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, to support their bid for recognition of the State of Palestine by the UN General Assembly.
Update: 15 August. This statement (in an edited form) appeared as an op-ed in The Age, and was syndicated nationally online.
The Australian Jewish Democratic Society urges the Australian government, which already accepts the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, to support their bid for recognition of the State of Palestine by the UN General Assembly.
Demonising parents
[This letter appeared in the Melbourne Age today. Miriam is an AJDS member. Joe Hockey, is the Shadow Treasurer]
Joe Hockey’s comment that parents who sent unaccompanied minors in boats to Australia were engaged in an act of bastardry shows an unbelievable lack of empathy (”Young asylum seekers pose quandary”, The Saturday Age, 6/8). Has Hockey not heard of the Kindertransport, for example, when desperate Jewish parents in Germany sent children as young as six with strangers to the UK?