Mr Magid’s ill-considered remarks have engendered a very strong reaction. Not only has the middle of the road/conservative Galusaustralis recorded a number of critical comments, but in the 130 or so signatures to the…
Harold Zwier, a member of the AJDS Executive put this comment on Galusaustralis in a response to Rabbi Genende’s article. It is reproduced in full with acknowledgement I am glad to read Rabbi Genende’s…
The AJDS has initiated an open letter to Robert Magid because of his op-ed on refugees. He says, in part “The Jews who fled the Holocaust faced certain death . I doubt whether there is…
From Ralph Genende is rabbi of a traditional, orthodox congregation in the heart of the Jewish community in Melbourne. Thank goodness he has had the guts–the menschlichkeit to put Robert Magid, the owner…
In an Olympic Week, one doesn’t like to see such records being set. The publisher of the Australian Jewish News, Robert Magid, for reasons best known unto himself, has decided to engage in the vilification…
This report appeared in the subscription only Oz, but deserves to be shared in the public interest. by: John Lyons, Middle East correspondent From:The Australian July 28, 201212:00AM AUSTRALIA has formally raised concerns with Israel…
ON THE BANKS OF THE TIGRIS: A film celebrating the Jewish contribution to Iraqi music and the cultural ties that link Iraqis of all faiths. AJDS invites you to hear the music, see cuts…
This is very reminiscent of the situation in Australia. “The prevailing political sentiment in Jewry today is of aggressive defensiveness, a curious amalgam of victimhood and intolerance. Dissent about Israel is discouraged and often gagged…
The Australian Jewish Democratic Society recently criticized the decision by the Limmud Oz committee to decline a proposed session at the Limmud Oz 2012 Festival of Jewish Learning and Culture. The session was entitled “Beyond…
This has been sent to Bob Carr by AJDS as Minister for Foreign Affairs. We also ask you to voice your concern to him foreignminister.carr AT Dear Minister Carr, We write to you as…