In light of the breakdown of the peace talks, the kidnappings and murders, incitement and calls for vengeance and the current acts of violence, AJDS endorses the Open Letter from Jewish Voice for Peace in…
The AJDS deplores the kidnapping and murder of the three Israeli young men and the terrible sadness for their families. We hope that the criminals are caught and punished. We must also not forget that…
The AJDS is dismayed to learn of the Government’s proposed amendments to the Migration Act, which will reduce Australia’s responsibility to provide protection for people seeking asylum. These cruel and inhumane changes will inflict violence…
The AJDS is dismayed to learn of the Government’s proposed amendments to the Migration Act, which will reduce Australia’s responsibility to provide protection for people seeking asylum. These cruel and inhumane changes will inflict violence…
Following the decision by the Presbyterian Church (USA) to divest from three U.S. companies whose products, they argue, are used to support Israeli occupation, Americans for Peace Now today issued the following statement: “Last Friday’s…
Following the decision by the Presbyterian Church (USA) to divest from three U.S. companies whose products, they argue, are used to support Israeli occupation, Americans for Peace Now today issued the following statement: “Last Friday’s…
Here is another installment in our Oral History Project. This time Max Kaiser interviews executive member Jemima Light, about the path that led her to the AJDS. You can listen to the interview here. You…
When Brandis said that the government would not call East Jerusalem “occupied” he invoked history. Through his invocation of “historical events”, Brandis naturalised one version of history and erased another. He asked his audience to pretend that one description of the past – the one that doesn’t support Israel’s sovereignty in East Jerusalem – doesn’t exist.
The Australian Jewish Democratic Society strongly opposes the statement made by Attorney-General George Brandis (6 June 2014) that: “the description of East Jerusalem as ‘Occupied East Jerusalem’ is a term freighted [sic] with pejorative implications,…
The Australian Jewish Democratic Society strongly opposes the statement made by Attorney-General George Brandis (6 June 2014) that: “the description of East Jerusalem as ‘Occupied East Jerusalem’ is a term freighted [sic] with pejorative implications,…