The AJDS would love to invite you to our next Israel-Palestine discussion group meeting with our guest – Vivienne Porzsolt, long-time activist with Jews Against the Occupation in Sydney.
For three months last year, Vivienne spent time in the West Bank and Israel proper. There she stayed in Palestinian and Israeli homes, picked olives, took a Freedom Theatre bus ride and met many activists from the popular Palestinian resistance. She will give a short presentation about her experiences and kick off a discussion on the issues raised over coffee and cake.
AJDS executive member Dennis Martin will be hosting the event at his house at: 43 Ebden St, Brighton at 3pm on Saturday the 1st of June.
We can only accommodate 18-people so RSVP’s are essential. Please email Max Kaiser at [email protected] if you want to attend. RSVP NOW to guarantee your spot!
Evening with Vivienne Porzsolt, long-time activist with Jews Against the Occupation.