The AJDS has sent this letter to Senator Carr (attached) The Hon. Senator Bob Carr Foreign Minister PO Box 6100 Senate Parliament House Canberra, ACT 2600 5th December 2012 Dear Senator Carr, Our organisation…
Category: Blog
The ‘Honest Reporting’ outfit, a well-resourced international organisation that engages in hasbarah is engaged in classic media distortion by selective quotation from Harold Zwier’s opinion piece in the Melbourne Age. It makes out that Zwier…
Jordy Silverstein was recently interviewed on ABC News 24 the Youtube link is here. Unfortunately, the sound is out of sync, but it is the content what counts.
Larry Stillman There seem to be several lessons from the recent politics around this episode in the Australian public sphere. It has demonstrated that the so-called official leadership of the Australian Jewish Community (the “Lobby”)…
Larry Stillman Harold Zwier While the Australian government abstained from voting for the proposed UN General Assembly resolution on the recognition of the “non-member observer state” of Palestine, the Australian government, which already accepts the…
The Australian Jewish Democratic Society is very disappointed that the “Kadimah” committee has cancelled the booking for our function with Aziz Abu Sarah, a Palestinian peace activist, entrepreneur and journalist, born and raised in Jerusalem.
The Australian Jewish Democratic Society is very disappointed that the “Kadimah” committee has cancelled the booking for our function with Aziz Abu Sarah, a Palestinian peace activist, entrepreneur and journalist, born and raised in Jerusalem.
by George Stein *Leila (name has been changed for job security) Leila was born in Al- Jiflik in 1962. Her family were refugees from 1948, originally from Al nfaat village, near Al khdarah which is…
The AJDS Executive found itself with two different viewpoints over the current outbreak of violence between Israel and the Hamas Government in Gaza. While there was much in common, there were different emphases. We felt…
Time for some self-criticism. In the ordinary course of things, one would have expected many opinions and articles from AJDS on its website in response to the current outbreak of violence between Israel and Hamas…