The water conundrum of the Middle East:

By Timetraveller (pseud.) As populations of the Middle East become more urbanised and adopt Western-style living standards, the demands on the area’s water resources will become more immediate and desperate. Of 33 countries worldwide predicted…

Climate Emergency

By David Rothfield. It hardly got media coverage but, yes, they said it.  Those gathered for the U.S. Democratic Party Convention last July declared that they could not to wait for others “…to lead the…

On Fracking

By Bonnie Gelman. ‘Fracking’ is an abbreviation of a process of coal seam gas extraction called ‘hydraulic fracturing’. Gas extracted in this way is known as ‘unconventional gas’. Fracking involves pumping a mixture of water,…

We too were strangers

By Robin Rothfield (originally published in the Jewish News, 30/9/16) AS we approach the High Holy Days, how should we in the Jewish community respond to Pauline Hanson’s call for an end to Muslim migration?…

Communal Rosh Hashanah Statement Against Racism

The AJDS and nearly twenty other Jewish organisations have signed onto the following communal Rosh Hashana statement against racism: As Jewish organisations committed to social justice, egalitarianism and the values of liberal democracy, we are committed to an…

Communal Rosh Hashanah Statement Against Racism

The AJDS and nearly twenty other Jewish organisations have signed onto the following communal Rosh Hashana statement against racism: As Jewish organisations committed to social justice, egalitarianism and the values of liberal democracy, we are committed to an…