Truth Against Truth

Israelis have one truth, Palestinians have another. It’s time we get to know what the other side thinks.
Gush Shalom have a strong new brochure–read it and pass it on. It takes apart 120 ‘truths’
“The Arabs believed that the Jews had been implanted in Palestine by Western Imperialism, in order to subjugate the Arab world. The Zionists, on the other hand, were convinced that the Arab resistance to the Zionist enterprise was simply the consequence of the murderous nature of the Arabs and of Islam.

Is 'the Lobby' out to bring down Obama?

Gershon Baskin, of IPCRI, the Israel-Palestine Centre for Research and Information suggests:
“As I read the Israeli political map, Netanyahu, in coordination with his allies in Congress, AIPAC, and other US Jewish organizations have made a decision that President Obama will be, as far as they are concerned, a one term President. In this respect, they seek to weaken the President, regardless of the repercussions in the international community. ”
If AIPAC decides to campaign against Obama’s emerging new policy environment, this will certainly be the case. It could truly endanger Israel in the long term.
The full text of the article from the website and listserv is appended.

The State of the 'Lobby'

John Mearsheimer, whose earlier comments with Stephen on the Israel lobby in the US brought forth a torrent of criticism of highly variable quality, now has this observation:
“Siding with Israel against the United States was not a great problem a few years ago: one could pretend that the interests of the two countries were the same and there was little knowledge in the broader public about how the Israel lobby operated and how much it influenced the making of US Middle East policy. But those days are gone, probably for ever.”

Dictionaries needed for refugee kids in Melbourne

Jewish Aid is involved with a homework program for Nuba refugee children and youth, at the Preston Library from term 2 onwards.
They need pre-loved dictionaries and thesauruses donated for the kids; computers are not always available and dictionary skills are good to have.
People can drop them off at the Jewish Aid office or they can be can picked up from western suburbs AJDS people. Speak to Lisa Bucher at Jewish Aid (contacts are on the website)

What about AJDS Blogs?

There’s a lot of different opinion on the full range of issues considered by AJDS members, and occasionally, other people.
We hope you enjoy the diversity of opinion.

The ins and outs of the Mabhouh assassination

Let’s start at the beginning.
Sol Salbe
Mahmoud Al Mabhouh was no friend of progressive Jews. For all the manifestation of different currents within Hamas, there is nothing on the public record to suggest that he was a moderating influence. And yet there is enough in his assassination to disturb even those among us who are not opposed in principle to extra-judicial killings.

Palestinians’ supporters forum keeps audience engaged

Palestinians’ supporters forum keeps audience engaged
Sol Salbe
“Israeli Apartheid” or “Apartheid Israel”? Australians for Palestine seems to have used the two terms interchangeably: The advertisement used one, while glossy leaflets used the other The two terms may be linguistically different, but for the forum organisers, Apartheid is an adjective that goes with Israel, just like “sunny” or “modern”.