Vox Pop On Decolonisation

Just Voices did a Vox Pop on decolonisation. This is what we heard. Adam Sharah is co-chair of ANFA- Australian Nuclear Free Alliance, Campaigner with Friends of the Earth QLD and student of Bachelor of…

Vox Pop On Decolonisation

Just Voices did a Vox Pop on decolonisation. This is what we heard. Adam Sharah is co-chair of ANFA- Australian Nuclear Free Alliance, Campaigner with Friends of the Earth QLD and student of Bachelor of…

Pay the Rent

By Yael Leah, with the help of Uncle Robbie Thorpe   Pay the rent concept and history  Since the 1970’s there have been repeated calls by indigenous activists for non-Aboriginal Australians to pay the rent to…

Annual General Meeting, 2018

Sunday, March 4th.   Date: 4th March. Time: 12:00 bbq (vegetarian). 2:00-4:00 AGM meeting.Address: 43 Ebden street, Brighton. Please join us at the pre-meeting bbq and bring some vegetarian food to share. Membership renewal will…