Produced by Zochrot, this maps shows settlements destroyed in Israel, ‘since the beginning of Zionism until the 1967 war’, as explained in the legend at the top. The Hebrew names of extant settlements as one…
The following letter (written by Danya Jacobs and approved unanimously by the AJDS executive) was sent on behalf of the organisation to members of the ALP on Friday, 24 July 2015, prior to the Fringe…
On May 5 2015, Israel’s High Court of Justice ruled to allow the army to demolish the entire village of Susiya and expel its residents, numbering around 340 men, women and children. Representatives of the…
On May 5 2015, Israel’s High Court of Justice ruled to allow the army to demolish the entire village of Susiya and expel its residents, numbering around 340 men, women and children. Representatives of the…
The Australian Labor Party will be holding its triennial conference in Melbourne on July 24-26. One of the motions to be considered is a revision on ALP policy towards Israel and Palestine. Current ALP party…
The Australian Jewish Democratic Society (AJDS) has been associated with the Renate Kamener Orations in the past, as Renate was a dear member and supporter of AJDS. The choice of speakers has always been up to the…
This is a shout-out to our members and supporters: Do you know of a permanent space that can house no more than 15 archive boxes? This is the entirety of the AJDS archive, a precious…
I asked two of our members to answer 10 questions that were compiled as a way of introducing ourselves to one another. But I was also wondering about the importance of representing different kinds of…
By David Rothfield Illegal outposts threaten the Shilo Valley My recent, two day visit to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) included a déjà-vu experience, visiting a site that I first visited in 1978, the site…
By David Rothfield Illegal outposts threaten the Shilo Valley My recent, two day visit to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) included a déjà-vu experience, visiting a site that I first visited in 1978, the site…