By Jemima Light
Jordan Valley Solidarity (JVS) is a Palestinian-led, grassroots community group. Palestinians and international volunteers work together to protect both Palestinian existence and the unique environment of the Jordan Valley. This is done by supporting communities on the ground as well as building international support. The situation in the Jordan Valley is very serious.
The Israeli military has occupied the area since 1967 and the government has been attempting to gradually annex the area (which is 28% of the occupied West Bank) by employing various pressure tactics to force the local population to leave the Jordan Valley. This includes house demolitions, restricted access to water and education as well as the confiscation of land and property.
Jordan Valley Solidarity aims to support the effected community by monitoring, recording and aiming to prevent the abuse of Palestinian human rights by the Israeli occupation and settlers. Jordan Valley Solidarity rebuilds homes that have been destroyed by the Israeli army and builds new homes and schools from mud bricks. The organisation also aims to connect communities with water and provides workshops to youth about their legal rights, teaching them how to write reports about the human rights abuse they may have experienced.
Because the Jordan Valley is in area C of the West Bank and is therefore under full Israeli control, many NGOs refuse to work there. Without an Israeli permit it is almost impossible for Palestinians to build houses and water pipes in the area with NGOs refusing to operate there fearing their work may be hindered.
The vast majority of Jordan Valley Solidarity’s work is supported by donations from individuals and fundraising activities organised by our supporters. If you would like to support our activities you can choose to donate to our ongoing costs or to a specific project. All donations will go directly to support Jordan Valley Solidarity projects in Palestine.
For more information you may visit our website
Jordan Valley Solidarity Fundraising Campaign