An Unhelpful Discourse on Israel

Jeff Halper, the Israeli anti-demolitions activist, gives his account of the campaign of censorship by the ‘Lobby’ in Australia.  To its credit, the Australian Jewish News ran it as a letter as well.

It appeared on Anthony Lowenstein’s blog (and we don’t endorse a lot of what Anthony says), but at least he has given Jeff the space to make his case).

New Israel Fund

The New Israel Fund (NIF) is the leading organization committed to democratic change within Israel. Since 1979, NIF has fought for social justice and equality for all Israelis.  We believe that Israel can live up to its founders’ vision of a state that ensures complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants, without regard to religion, race or gender.

Ir Amim -"City of Nations"–For an Equitable and Stable Jerusalem with an Agreed Political Future

Ir Amim (“City of Nations” or “City of Peoples”) is an Israeli non-profit, non-partisan organization founded in order to actively engage in those issues impacting on Israeli-Palestinian relations in Jerusalem and on the political future of the city.  Ir Amim seeks to render Jerusalem a more viable and equitable city, while generating and promoting a more politically sustainable future.


Ir Amim -"City of Nations"–For an Equitable and Stable Jerusalem with an Agreed Political Future

Ir Amim (“City of Nations” or “City of Peoples”) is an Israeli non-profit, non-partisan organization founded in order to actively engage in those issues impacting on Israeli-Palestinian relations in Jerusalem and on the political future of the city.  Ir Amim seeks to render Jerusalem a more viable and equitable city, while generating and promoting a more politically sustainable future.


Shalom Achshav–Peace Now

Peace Now is a movement of Israeli citizens who view peace, compromise and reconciliation with the Palestinian people and the Arab states as the only guarantee for the future, the security, and the character of the State of Israel.

B'TSELEM – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories

B’TSELEMThe Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories was established in 1989 by a group of prominent academics, attorneys, journalists, and Knesset members. It endeavors to document and educate the Israeli public and policymakers about human rights violations in the Occupied Territories, combat the phenomenon of denial prevalent among the Israeli public, and help create a human rights culture in Israel.