Over the past year, a new organisation called J Street has stormed Washington with the help of a number of young enthusiasts, some liberal-minded philanthropists, and contemporary web 2.0 connecting and lobbying. J Street has shocked the Jewish establishment (AIPAC, the ADL) by being invited to meet Obama, and being heard by Cabinet secretaries and officials. Traub’s article agitated AIPAC so much that the Times had to issue a ‘clarification’, stating AIPAC’s views were not sought for the article.
Author: AJDS
It’s a question that often comes up in comparison to a country like Israel, where, at least for its Jewish citizens, and to different degrees, its Arab citizens. democractic processes are vigorous, if often challenged.
But other than newspaper reports, it is hard to find extensive material in English about the state of affairs in the diverse Arabic-speaking world.
The following letter was published in an edited form, by the Australian Jewish News on 1 October 2009.
Is the front page screaming “Disgrace”, along with the usual hasbarah
and the twists and turns about human shields offered by Alan Dershowitz,
the best the AJN commentators can do in response to the Goldstone
report which highlights the disproportionate killing of civilians by
I saw a program about Yehudi Menuhin on TV, and in the course of looking up some bio facts about him, I cam across this wonderful quote from 18 years ago when he gave a speech to the Knesset after being awarded an Israeli Prize. Speaking of the occuption, he said–
I saw a program about Yehudi Menuhin on TV, and in the course of looking up some bio facts about him, I cam across this wonderful quote from 18 years ago when he gave a speech to the Knesset after being awarded an Israeli Prize. Speaking of the occuption, he said–
Letter in The Age 01/10/09
CONGRATULATIONS to Amin Saikal (Comment, 30/9) for his thoughtful and courageous entry to the labyrinth of Middle East nuclear tensions. His thread of an exit strategy has many complicated turns but offers a credible hope that demands serious examination. Saikal canvasses diplomatic and political initiatives that might bring about a ”region-wide regime of arms control”, none so fanciful or utopian as to warrant the scorn or silence they are all too likely to meet in Australia.
Letter in The Age 01/10/09
CONGRATULATIONS to Amin Saikal (Comment, 30/9) for his thoughtful and courageous entry to the labyrinth of Middle East nuclear tensions. His thread of an exit strategy has many complicated turns but offers a credible hope that demands serious examination. Saikal canvasses diplomatic and political initiatives that might bring about a ”region-wide regime of arms control”, none so fanciful or utopian as to warrant the scorn or silence they are all too likely to meet in Australia.
Today’s Sydney Morning Herald (23 Sept 2009) has an interesting op-ed piece by Middle East correspondent Jason Koutsoukis. But it doesn’t appear in the Melbourne Age, which is a great pity.
He notes:
” Last Friday, according to Jewish New Year’s tradition, Barak gave an interview to Israel’s biggest selling newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth.
Instead of the usual palaver about the threats facing Israel, Barak surprised his questioners with this frank admission.
“Iran does not pose an existential threat to Israel,” said Barak.”
Today’s Sydney Morning Herald (23 Sept 2009) has an interesting op-ed piece by Middle East correspondent Jason Koutsoukis. But it doesn’t appear in the Melbourne Age, which is a great pity.
He notes:
” Last Friday, according to Jewish New Year’s tradition, Barak gave an interview to Israel’s biggest selling newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth.
Instead of the usual palaver about the threats facing Israel, Barak surprised his questioners with this frank admission.
“Iran does not pose an existential threat to Israel,” said Barak.”
[Of course, this opinion is endorsed by no-one but the writer]
“Ham-fisted Zionist propoganda on the Sabbath”
“whores for Israel”