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Author: AJDS
The past week or so has seen strong responses to Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel’s full page ads in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and elsewhere, in which he made a number of claims about Jerusalem being ‘above politics’, or that Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Koran.
I thought this commentary demonstrates how terrible is the divide between geographically adjacent communities, even though there are such enormous possibilities for conflict resolution. Joharah Baker often has very, very strong opinions, but this one seems to offer a lot of possibility for bridging that gap through getting Israelis to take the lead in breaking the culture and practice of occupation and all that goes with it. Joharah works in Palestinian media in Jerusalem.
Don’t Tell Them, They Already Know
Hagit Back has been active in Machsom Watch in the Hebron area for many years. This video interview makes it clear that the work is a great challenge in the face of human rights abuses. She is currently in Melbourne.
Well, it’s all over the internet, that the South African Zionist Federation, and others, have heavied a ‘shul’ in Sandton, Joburg, not to let that mortal enemy of the State of Israeli, Richard Goldstone, attend his grandsons’s Barmitzvah. It makes the Australian Zionist leadership look like a bunch of pussies.
For details, it’s worth a straight link to Magnes Zionist for all the pathetic dirty detail.
From Amnesty International:
The Australian Government has announced a blanket suspension on the processing of new asylum claims by Afghan and Sri Lankan nationals. This as an appalling act of political point scoring and fundamentally inconsistent with our obligations under the 1951 UN Refugee Convention. Support their online campaign by sending an email to government though their website.
The cat is well and truly out of the bag concerning the attempt to prosecute the journalist Anat Kam for revealing state secrets. She has been under secret house arrest since December and is to be put on trial on treason and espionage charges. She is accused of appropriating 2,000 documents, 700 of which were classified as “top secret” while serving in the IDF’s Central Command in 2007.
The minuscule Workers Party of NZ is opposed to the establishment of an Israel Embassy in NZ for all the usual rejectionist reasons, and news reports are filtering over the internet.
This is dumb dumb dumb and reinforces stereotypes about Kiwis not always having good political sense.
The minuscule Workers Party of NZ is opposed to the establishment of an Israel Embassy in NZ for all the usual rejectionist reasons, and news reports are filtering over the internet.
This is dumb dumb dumb and reinforces stereotypes about Kiwis not always having good political sense.
The Israeli government, while using propaganda to deny the facts, continues to besiege the Palestinian population though collective punishment for rocket attacks from Gaza. 13 Israelis have been killed by rocket attacks, 3 of whom were civilians.