600+ signatories to the Open Letter to Robert Magid, Australian Jewish News

You can download the current the list of signatories and their comments (some of which are very moving). In the two weeks since Robert Magid’s op-ed  against asylum-seekers and stereotyping of Muslims was published in the Australian Jewish News, at least 600 people from around the world have signed an Open Letter. If you haven’t signed the Open Letter yet, please do so and we will update the public list.
Please note that some people have requested anonymity so they are not listed.  We hope that you can share this with as many people as possible.
The number of people who have signed is unprecedented and is evidence of the widespread revulsion against his comments with the Jewish community in Australia and beyond.
Since that time, there has been media coverage of his op-ed, including

  • Many letters in the Australian Jewish News rejecting his position (including the Open letter)
  • An article in the Melbourne Age
  • Coverage in the international Jewish media including Haaretz.
  • Michael Danby, MP, is also to be credited for his response to the op-ed.
  • A report on ABC Lateline, introduced by shots of the Open Letter.
  • Radio interviews , including SBS World News.
  • A number of rabbis have also issued statements of concern  about his remarks, and at least one signed the Open Letter.  The  Executive Council of Australian Jewry  and the Jewish Community Council of Victoria also reaffirmed their support for policy resolutions which supported the processing of asylum seekers “in a spirit of compassion” and urges all Australians to engage in dialogue “in a considered and respectful manner and without resorting to pejorative generalizations.”

If you have heard of any other coverage, please let us know at info AT ajds.org.au.  You  can also find other links to coverage on this website.