Australian Jewish kids being fed extremist propoganda in Hebron

hebron.jpgCoteret, an Israeli news site, reports that Australian kids have been taken on a tour of Hebron and shown around by Jewish extremists. Coteret has a full report as well as a video (which has now been taken down from the source website).
This is in contradiction with ‘Birthright’ policy which forbids visits to the occupied territories other than Jerusalem.

It’s pretty scary that the tours are being hijacked, but perhaps it is not surprising, given the storng links between elements of the Lubavitch community in Melbourne and the Hebron settlers, who are well-known for their hatred and intolerance of Palestinians who through no fault of their own, happen to be born in Hebron.
Of deep concern as well is the impression tha this makes upon yong people, who bring back to Australia a negative view of Arabs. We live in a multicultural society . We don’t need the help of the settler extremists in feeding young Australians their intolerance and racist essentialism under the cover of Jewish rights and history.