Not an honourable mention for Melbourne Uni Jewish Students Society

MUJSS Facebook pageThe image to the right of this post is taken from the Facebook site of the Melbourne University Jewish Students Society and sent out very recently. Click on it for details. It was sent out to several hundred students. It was forwarded by a concerned member of the society.
The way it talks about political enemies is of deep concern, not just for its misogyny, but the fact that it comes from whom I believe to be an executive officer of the organization who has also been an officer in the Israeli Army.It’s one thing to be concerned about anti-Semitism, it’s another to engage in crude political stereotyping about other people.
In particular, what does the writer mean by the threat that he and other members of the Executive of the MUJSS and people in the Student Union are going to make it impossible for their political opponents to ever come on campus again?
The post is all the more reason, as the AJDS has been urging the Jewish Community Council of Victoria, to pass a resolution against vilification and personalization of political differences.
Not the greatest form of hasbarah or publicity for MUJSS.

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