The AJDS has initiated an open letter to Robert Magid because of his op-ed on refugees. He says, in part “The Jews who fled the Holocaust faced certain death . I doubt whether there is a single boat person in that position. Some may have fled a war zone or limited economic opportunities while others are seeking an easy life. None were facing certain death.” This of course, flies in the face of the consistent finding that almost all arrivals in Australia are genuine refugees (see attached).
We urge you, or your organisation to sign this letter. We hope that the editor of the AJN will have the courage to publish it, and other letters objecting to such an inflammatory viewpoint. See his editorial here Magid-oped
To sign, please go to Open Letter and encourage your friends and organisations s to do so. The deadline to get letters in the AJN is Monday noon, so please act quickly.
Open Letter to the Owner & Publisher of the Australian Jewish News–Please sign.