Open conversations runs parallel to Limmud Oz, which offers a wonderful array of presentations on all things Jewish. However some voices are excluded, as the Limmud Oz programming policy maintains the position to deny a platform for individuals who support BDS.
This is why the AJDS are hosting open conversations – there are speakers who have wanted to participate at Limmud Oz in the past, but were unsuccessful. And so they are joining with others in this space where we will encourage conversations, especially when they are challenging!
📣 Bassam Dally- Professor Mechanical Engineering and Palestinian advocate
📣 Sivan Barak- Social worker and activist. Member of AJDS Executive committee.
📣 Ran Greenstein: Assoc Prof Sociology and commentator based in South Africa. (Ran will speak over skype).
📣 Chair: Larry Stillman. Monash academic and independent commentator.
📌 3-4pm Peace and Justice: The role of Jews and Palestinians in the diaspora- With Sivan Barak and Bassam Dally.
Join us in a conversation between a diaspora Palestinian and Israeli about what we can do in Australia to support and advocate for a peaceful and just solution.
📌 4:00-5:15 Gazing into the future- With Bassam Dally and Ran Greenstein.
Peace or Apartheid: The future of Israel & Palestine.
This session will explore the prospects for the future, we hope a positive one for all communities, from the perspective of a person who has intimate historical and sociological knowledge of South Africa and Israel, and from the perspective of a Palestinian Australian advocate.
Venue: Building K K213 tute room. Room 213 is located on the second floor. There is a lift at the back of the building.
If you have any accessibility requirements, please contact Yael on 0423 234 069 or [email protected]
❤️💛🖤These conversations are taking place on Aboriginal land of the Kulin nations. This land was never ceded, and no reparations or treaty ever made. AJDS acknowledges that colonisation continues to this day, and we would like to pay our respects to Kulin nation elders.
Open Conversations