[ME News Service Comments: Anyone following the Israeli media would find that besides being concerned with coalition making, one of the biggest story concerns Navy Chief Major General Eli Marom’s visit to a strip club. The prediction is that he will lose his job because he lied about it. What I have been waiting is for someone to point our the obvious: In Israel’s current warped value system soldiers get punished far more severely for stealing from Palestinians (without authorisation) than for murdering them without authorisation.
Author: AJDS
Israel Social TV is a progressive multimedia service which features many videos, in English, Hebrew and Arabic (or a mixture of all the above) about controversial issues in Israel and the Occupied Territories.
Yesh Gvul (“There is a limit !”) is an Israeli peace group campaigning against the occupation by backing soldiers who refuse duties of a repressive or aggressive nature. The brutal role of the Israeli army in subjugating the Palestinian population places numerous servicemen in a grave moral and political dilemma, as they are required to enforce policies they deem illegal, immoral and ultimately harmful to Israeli interests.
Our members contribute links from many different sources. We may not agree with all the positions taken, but it is important to be able to openly consider controversial viewpoints. The majority of these are derived from Israeli websites.
The independent Middle East News Service concentrates on providing alternative information chiefly from Israeli sources. It is sponsored by the Australian Jewish Democratic Society. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the AJDS. These are expressed in its own statements
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Sol Salbe
For many members of our community, the word “Durban” is indelibly associated with antisemitism. The primary reason for this is not so much the September 2001 World Conference against Racism as the associated NGO Forum, which was unquestionably marred by virulent antisemitic behaviour by a number of Non-Government Organisations.
Unfortunately, the bitter taste left by the NGO Forum has led to the stigmatisation of the whole UN anti-racism conference by overzealous critics who have not mentioned the positive aspects of the event. Of course not all the NGOs behaved appallingly, but the blatant antisemitism of some tarred the official gathering of government representatives as well. This is why, by conflating the NGO Forum with the main conference, many members of our community believe that the whole meeting was antisemitic.
For many members of our community, the word “Durban” is indelibly associated with antisemitism. The primary reason for this is not so much the September 2001 World Conference against Racism as the associated NGO Forum, which was unquestionably marred by virulent antisemitic behaviour by a number of Non-Government Organisations.
Unfortunately, the bitter taste left by the NGO Forum has led to the stigmatisation of the whole UN anti-racism conference by overzealous critics who have not mentioned the positive aspects of the event. Of course not all the NGOs behaved appallingly, but the blatant antisemitism of some tarred the official gathering of government representatives as well. This is why, by conflating the NGO Forum with the main conference, many members of our community believe that the whole meeting was antisemitic.
The Middle East News Service is unique. It offers the best progressive up-to-the minute precis and translations from progressive news sources around the world, including the Hebrew-language press.
The Middle East News Service is unique. It offers the best progressive up-to-the minute precis and translations from progressive news sources around the world, including the Hebrew-language press.
Italy to boycott Durban 2
FM Frattini tells Livni his country has problems with conference agenda, adds he is canceling visit to Iran
Roni Sofer
Published: 03.05.09, 18:36 / Israel News