Letters in the Melbourne Age concerning the attack on "The Promise" and the SBS network

The AJDS had the lead letter in the Melbourne Age on ‘The Promise Controversy’, accompanied by two excellent others, including Jeremy Kenner, an ADJS member.
The Age, January 18, 2012
Biased, yes, but worth seeing
AS A fictional narrative about the Arab-Israeli conflict, The Promise indeed presents a biased perspective. It is impossible to imagine that any filmmaker, historian or novelist could do other than present a perspective that is biased by their own worldview. If objectivity was a fundamental principle of presentation, then virtually no historical work would be acceptable.
[read on…]

The attack by the "Lobby" on the SBS network for showing 'The Promise'.

An opinion by Larry Stillman of the AJDS Executive has been published on the ABC website.
Another freedom of expression issue has raised its head in the Jewish community in Australia.
This time, it involves a series which recently appeared on SBS and is now being sold as a DVD….for the rest, go to The Drum
[and I will add that I have dealt with “the Lobby” and its censoriousness on various occasions such as this one]

The Australian Jewish Left and Indigenous Rights by Philip Mendes

First published in Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, Vol.20, Part 3, November 2011, pp.430-443.
Please see attached for footnoted version.
There are two principal historical perspectives concerning Australian Jewry’s engagement with Indigenous concerns.
One perspective, which is often cited in the Jewish media, holds that Jews have been prominent in the struggle for Indigenous rights. This perspective typically cites a number of examples of this support. They include:

The Australian Jewish Left and Indigenous Rights by Philip Mendes

First published in the Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, Vol.20, Part 3, November 2011, pp.430-443.
Please see attached for footnoted version.
There are two principal historical perspectives concerning Australian Jewry’s engagement with Indigenous concerns.
One perspective, which is often cited in the Jewish media, holds that Jews have been prominent in the struggle for Indigenous rights. This perspective typically cites a number of examples of this support. They include:

AJDS Statement on New Housing Units in Gilo 9th November 2011

The announcement on 27th September by the Jerusalem regional planning and construction committee, of the building of 1100 new housing units in Gilo has been met with universal opposition by the United States, the Quartet, Germany, France, the UK and other countries -all active supporters of Israel on the international stage.
The Israeli government argues that Gilo is merely a Jewish neighbourhood in southern Jerusalem and is entitled to build there as it would in any other part of Israel.
But there are significant reasons to reject that argument.

AJDS Annual Dinner – 11th December 2011

Invitation to AJDS Annual Dinner – 11th December 2011
We are pleased to invite you to our Annual Dinner at Almazett Lebanese restaurant at 208 Balaclava Road North Caulfield 7pm on the 11th of December 2011.
The Annual Dinner is a fantastic chance for all members and supporters to catch up and talk about issues relevant to progressive Jews in an informal setting. We’re very much looking forward to seeing everyone there.

AJDS Annual Dinner – 11th December 2011

Invitation to AJDS Annual Dinner – 11th December 2011
We are pleased to invite you to our Annual Dinner at Almazett Lebanese restaurant at 208 Balaclava Road North Caulfield 7pm on the 11th of December 2011.
The Annual Dinner is a fantastic chance for all members and supporters to catch up and talk about issues relevant to progressive Jews in an informal setting. We’re very much looking forward to seeing everyone there.

New AJDS staff member- Max Kaiser

Max Kaiser: the new AJDS Community Organiser.
The AJDS has a new part-time paid staff member to help with the many demands that the organisation faces in planning functions, communicating with our members and more actively pursuing the role of a progressive voice amongst Jews and a Jewish voice amongst progressives.
We’ll let Max give a brief sketch of himself–
I’m 24 years old, grew up in Brunswick and currently live in Coburg. I recently graduated from Melbourne University with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in social theory.

New AJDS staff member- Max Kaiser

Max Kaiser: the new AJDS Community Organiser.
The AJDS has a new part-time paid staff member to help with the many demands that the organisation faces in planning functions, communicating with our members and more actively pursuing the role of a progressive voice amongst Jews and a Jewish voice amongst progressives.
We’ll let Max give a brief sketch of himself–
I’m 24 years old, grew up in Brunswick and currently live in Coburg. I recently graduated from Melbourne University with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in social theory.