The following statement, of which the AJDS is signatory, was initiated by an international Jewish network of groups and individuals working for justice in Palestine. Together, we reclaim Jewish identity not as a nationalist identity but as…
Author: AJDS
On Thursday 15 October, the JNF Annual Dinner is being held, this year featuring two speakers: Nir Barkat, the Mayor of Jerusalem, via video link up, and Judy Feld Carr CM. While there is broad…
The Australian Jewish Democratic Society condemns the Coalition government’s decision to join the bombing campaign against Syria. This military intervention will do nothing to bring down Assad or ISIS, but rather will contribute to the…
Sign our petition now! At the end of July the AJDS together with APAN presented a panel of speakers at the triennial ALP National conference to discuss the realities of the failed peace process and…
The Guardian’s Kate Shuttleworth reports from Az-Zayyem in the West Bank and speaks to local Arab residents who once more face uncertainty: “For 70 years they have been trying to get Arabs off the land so…
By Larry Stillman The Bnai Brith Anti-Defamation Commission appears to be living in isolation from the face of contemporary racism in Australia. Unlike other peak Jewish organisations, keen to condemn and distance themselves from all…
Below are links to the filmed footage from the July 25, 2015, ALP Fringe conference panel, featuring and organised by members of the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN) and the Australian Jewish Democratic Society (AJDS)….
Produced by Zochrot, this maps shows settlements destroyed in Israel, ‘since the beginning of Zionism until the 1967 war’, as explained in the legend at the top. The Hebrew names of extant settlements as one…
The following letter (written by Danya Jacobs and approved unanimously by the AJDS executive) was sent on behalf of the organisation to members of the ALP on Friday, 24 July 2015, prior to the Fringe…
On May 5 2015, Israel’s High Court of Justice ruled to allow the army to demolish the entire village of Susiya and expel its residents, numbering around 340 men, women and children. Representatives of the…