fundraiser screening
Come and see After the Apology, screening one night only, to support the campaign to stop the alarming rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kids being removed from their families. 10 years on from former-Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s apology to Stolen Generations the numbers of Aboriginal kids in out of home care have more than doubled. Aboriginal families are questioning what the apology means. The film follows four Aboriginal grannies who each face their own battle to challenge government policies to bring their grandkids home. Their grassroots actions spearhead a national conversation to curb the skyrocketing rates of child removal All money raised from this event goes to Grandmothers Against Removals (Victoria), an Aboriginal led organisation committed to keeping children with their families.
Hosted by: Hashomer Hatzair Australia, SKIF, Netzer Australia, Jewish Labour Bund Melbourne & Australian Jewish Democratic Society (AJDS)
Tickets to this event are expected to sell out. Ensure you book tickets early.