[Yasher koah is a traditional Hebrew expression meaning “May your strength be firm”]
Unlike the liberal Haaretz, the English-only Jerusalem Post is way to the right of Centre. These days it has only two progressive columnists left, so often, like others I miss Larry Derfner. And he is good. This one of those rare articles that comes close to a must read. Not only does he expounds on aspects of Richard Goldstone’s decision to the commission named after him that I haven’t seen before it tackles other issues as well.
The attitude of the South African Jewish community and Israel’s to the old Apartheid regime deserves to be highlighted again but the best part is his prediction:
One day, if Israel ever ends its tyranny over the Palestinians, it will be difficult to find a Jew in this country or the Diaspora who ever supported Operation Cast Lead. It will be difficult to find a Jew in this country or the Diaspora who ever said a bad word about Judge Richard Goldstone.
If Israel ever ends its tyranny over the Palestinians, a whole lot of proud, patriotic Zionist Jews are going to be loaded down, searching frantically for the memory hole.
Definitely recommended reading (and it’s short as well)!